Q: What is Happy Valley Clinic?
A: Happy Valley Clinic is a medical clinic in Provo Utah that specializes in sexual health for both men and women.
Q: How long has Happy Valley Clinic been around?
A: 2020
Q: How long does it take to complete treatment?
A: 6 weeks
Q: What sets Happy Valley Clinic apart from other sexual health clinics?
A: Happy Valley Clinic is very scientific in their approach to intimate health. Currently covering more bases of sexual health and wellness than any other clinic in Utah. We focus on giving patients the best chance of reversing their intimacy health issues. To name a few of our therapies for men: Focused shockwave therapy, pelvic floor strengthening, microcirculatory therapy, blood work, nutrition, platelet rich plasma injections, low libido solutions, intimacy counseling, and more.
Some of our therapies for women: Pelvic floor strengthening, urinary incontinence solutions, circulation therapy, microvascular therapy, nutrition, platelet rich plasma injections, vaginal laxity, vaginal dryness, low libido solutions, solutions for painful intimacy, Labiaplasty without surgery, decrease darkening of exterior of vaginal area, intimacy counseling and more.
Happy Valley Clinic answers more issues around sexual health in order to give each patient the chance to have that wonderful connection of human intimacy and sexual health and wellness with their companion. We work closely with another clinic that focuses on Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and Weight Loss Solutions.
Q: What are some of the ways that couples can get on the same page sexually?
A: There are a number of reasons that couples can be living and loving one another but be on very different pages regarding sex or intimacy. A few of these can be due to:
1. Past trauma
2. Lack of enjoyment during intimacy
3. Not matched with ones companion’s sexual drive “Low Libido”.
4. Fear of failure, failure to perform
5. Discomfort during intimacy/Painful sex
6. With holding sex because of control from ones partner or ones self.
7. Lack of fulfillment during sexual experiences
8. Difficulty reaching orgasm/climax
9. Apprehension
10. Misconceptions around intimacy and its overall purpose and value
11. Not making intimacy a priority in the relationship
Happy Valley Clinic answers these issues with such solutions as intimacy counseling, Hormone Therapy, education for individuals and couples, along with helping the anatomy of the individual work as effectively as possible towards intimacy. These topics are addressed with respect and in a wholesome manner in keeping this topic of human intimacy special and void of sultry distasteful communications. We meet each individual and couple at their comfort level regarding the topic of human intimacy.
Q: If I am in my 60’s or 70’s should I just give up on effective sexual relations with my sweetheart?
A: The answer is a resounding “NO”. Do not give up. There is real hope and a world of intimacy that you may find you have never even had before.
For both men and women there are answers that are valid and effective. We have helped men and women in these age brackets reach fulfilling intimate relations. Many times they have reached sexual intimacy and genuine connection in ways they never knew were possible. Here are testimonials from two of our patients.
Q: How does Happy Valley Clinic test for erectile dysfunction (ED)?
A: Patients complete a medical assessment, and an ultrasound device indicated your shem score.
This gives us a good idea of the vascular health of your penis.
Q: Does Focused Shockwave Therapy hurt?
A: Most patients experience minimal pain only during the procedure.
Q: How long do treatment sessions take for men?
A: Sessions are usually complete within less than an hour.
Q: Why Focused Shockwave Therapy over other wave therapies?
A: Focused Shockwave Therapy has been through multiple clinical trials and has shown to be the catalyst to actually cause regeneration in the vascular system within the penile shaft. When ED is due to vascular issues within the penis, Focused Shockwave Therapy has shown to be most effective for giving patients the best chance at reversing this issue.
Q: Should I consider a penile implant?
A: Outside the fact that there is down time after the surgery, it provides a very unnatural feeling for the patient with the implant, and it can be the cause of consistent pain after the surgery, it is very expensive. It ranges in cost from $13,000 to $35,000 and most often is at a cost of about $20,000 to $25,000.
There are natural ways in Focused Shockwave Therapy to help the body regain its erections with very little pain or discomfort. This option (penile implant) should be considered after less invasive treatments are tried; a last resort so to speak.
Q: Focused Shockwave Therapy sounds like it hurts! Does it hurt?
A: Actually unlike Radial Acoustic wave therapy, Focused Shockwave therapy does not hurt. This is due to the fact that the focused wave is passing through the dermal tissue and into the vascular tissue within the penis. It’s not slapping the skin like a spoon hitting the penis really hard as some patients have reported other wave therapies feeling. Focused Shockwave Therapy is not painful.
Q: Is Votiva painful?
A: It's very minimally painful
Q: How does Emcella treat incontinence?
A: Emcella uses an electro-magnet to contract and strengthen muscle tissue like doing kegel exercises.
Q: How long does an Emcella session take to complete?
A: 30 Minutes