About Us

Happy Valley Clinic: Helping Couples Restore Health & Intimacy

Since Happy Valley Clinic Opened it's doors in 2020 it's served over 2000 patients. What's amazing is that over 95% of those patients reported an improvement in their sex life.

Because of our comprehensive approach to our patients' sexual health and overall wellness nearly 100% of patients are able to state emphatically that we have changed their intimate life and health in significant ways.

100% of our patients that have been treated by Happy Valley Clinic and have followed the recommended care and protocols given by our physicians have had improvements in their erectile function.

Surprisingly, not every patient that has come to Happy Valley Clinic has followed all the directions that our physicians have provided. The majority of these patients have not had the same wonderful results as those who followed our physician's recommendations.

Happy Valley Clinic is passionate about helping improve the lives of individuals and couples in their sexual health.

Brock Roberts
Clinical Director

about happy valley clinic. a happy couple on the beach.

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1 (833) ED-NO-FUN